Monthly Archives: July 2011

Are you blind?

At school, a little girl was headed down the stairs to the playground where there weren’t any other kids or adult supervision. This was, as the little girl had been told many times before, against the rules. An adult asked her, “Where are you going?” The little girl turned around briefly and kept on walking […]


I had a dream last night about a great man desired by everyone. Men swarmed around him, looking up to him as their leader. Woman turned to admire him because he was just everything any woman could ever want. And I was the one that he wanted. Of course this dream is a common fantasy. […]

Exception or Rule?

At a recent house warming party, my friend got all heated up about her friend who didn’t know to wash chicken or vegetables before cooking them. She said, “everyone knows that you have to wash chicken and vegetables before cooking them!” and went on to tell us about how her friend was uneducated about the […]


A fellow practitioner started a conversations about death, as inspired by a dead bug. My thoughts are….   When I see dead bugs or flattened rodents in the middle of the road, I also cringe. Then I consider that I have died just like those animals in the past, I will die like that in […]

Adventures in Swimming

My mom and I went swimming today at a pool nearby our house. There are six lanes at the pool, divided into 2 slow, 2 medium, and 2 fast lanes.   Lap swim is from 5:30-10:00am and when we go early we can oftentimes secure a lane for the two of us to share for the […]