Monthly Archives: October 2014


I heard a sermon given by an American monk, who had traveled to Thailand to train with a famous Thai monk. Upon recognizing that language would pose a great challenge in his efforts to further his studies, the American monk took it on himself to study and eventually master the Thai and Isaan (Northeastern dialect […]


One cup of coffee is all that it takes. When coffee is taken in the wrong place, in the bedroom instead of the kitchen or dining room, a spill can require a lot of cleaning and even some permanent damage. Just like our words, once spilled, cannot be taken back. The damage has been done. In […]


I’ve enjoyed eating tomatoes my whole life. Only when I started growing tomatoes at home did I realize that all this time, I had been buying red-colored tomatoes, but they weren’t ripe like I thought. The realization came when we picked a couple of homegrown orange-colored tomatoes and left them in a bowl. Two days later, they […]