Monthly Archives: June 2013

Missing the point

Often, we follow examples or rules without really knowing the reasons behind them. Then when we fail to comply, we end up stressing out because we believe we’ve done something wrong. I believe a better way to deal is to ask “why” as opposed to following blindly. For instance, I once sealed a stamped envelope, […]

Snail Tales – Part 3

Step four is maintenance. It is important that as we work on eliminating our problems, we also check on our progress and see if our hypothesis was indeed correct. If we haven’t attained our desired result, we have to readjust and try again. In this case, we noticed a significant change in the garden. For […]

Snail Tales – Part 2

Step three is addressing the cause. We started by collecting the snails we could find and putting them in containers with leaves we have seen them eat, and tossing them in a garbage bin near parks, far from home (and other people’s homes too). Each morning and night we would check thei favorite hiding places, […]