

tomato plant growing bigger everyday

When something feels annoying, it can seem like there’s no end in sight.  But what I’ve learned  is that all things have their time and season.

I know that tomatoes don’t grow year round. So when I see a tomato plant latching onto a small blueberry plant, overtaking the space and hogging all the nutrients, I know that it’s only for now. I don’t stress out about the blueberry plant because I know that once the tomato plant has fully matured, it will die. It has its season.

When it’s not a tomato plant, but a problem child, issues at work, or a physical ailment, it can seem to go on and on and on without end. Dealing with it can feel like torture.


blueberry plant in the tomato plant’s shadow

I had a problematic tenant who I couldn’t evict. Over the course of a year, I tried everything to motivate her to leave, but was unsuccessful. Just as I resigned to tolerate her for however long, she gives me 30 days notice that she will be moving out. She got laid off and was going to move down south for a new job. There was nothing more I could’ve done to get her to leave.  Had I known there was an expiration date for our relationship, I would’ve still tried my best, but without stressing over my expectations.

Even though it’s only logical that these annoying situations won’t last forever, it is the unknown that torments us. The season of karma is much less predictable than that of a tomato. But although the duration is unknown, the fact that there is an end on the horizon is known. Either you will be the one to leave the situation, the other party will leave, or something else will happen that changes things. So, the next time you’ve exhausted your options and still aren’t getting the desired results, just sit back and know that it’ll end someday. Everything has its season.

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