Tag Archives: karma


When something feels annoying, it can seem like there’s no end in sight.  But what I’ve learned  is that all things have their time and season. I know that tomatoes don’t grow year round. So when I see a tomato plant latching onto a small blueberry plant, overtaking the space and hogging all the nutrients, I know that it’s […]

Deja Vu

Most of us have heard of it, many have felt it. But what, really, is deja vu? The term “deja vu” means “already seen.” But how can it be familiar when this is the first time? And how can you actually see something before it happens? It reminds me of what Luang Por Thoon often […]

Should I step in?

After hours glued to the vivid video, there were many scenes from BBC’s Nature’s Most Amazing Events that made lasting impressions on me. One recurring set up was a lion on the prowl for its prey, commonly a young, helpless animal like a baby zebra, wilderbeast, impala, elephant, or buffalo. These infants were targeted, chased […]

Do Unto Others

Do unto others as you would like done unto you. This is so true, but sometimes we overlook the fact that both the negative and positive things that we do will come back to us. For example, a friend of mine was obsessed with a colleague’s constantly acting as the exception, standing out because of […]