Tag Archives: luang por thoon


Just now, I got on a chair to examine a container of Luang Por Thoon’s relics. I picked it up, unscrewed the top, and yelled to my mom that they were still in the same form. Somehow the lid slipped from my hand and as I tried to catch it, the container jerked forward, spilling […]


At an Indian airport, our tour group of nearly 50 people had to stand in a long security check line with other passengers. The security officer checked our travel documents and sent each passenger through in intervals. People began to notice an Indian woman moving her way forward from the back of the line. She […]

Deja Vu

Most of us have heard of it, many have felt it. But what, really, is deja vu? The term “deja vu” means “already seen.” But how can it be familiar when this is the first time? And how can you actually see something before it happens? It reminds me of what Luang Por Thoon often […]