
A few HVAC companies came out to bid on the furnace at Akaliko. One salesman said that his company only carried Trane furnaces because they were, hands down, the best. In his many years of heating repairwork, he rarely ever encountered a Trane furnace in need of repair. In fact,the majority of the repairs were for Carrier brand furnaces.

Upon reviewing the other bids, which were all for Carrier furnaces, I got to thinking. Suppose that what the Trane salesman said were true. Were Trane furnaces rarely encountered because of their superior quality and reliability? Or were they rarely encountered because they were rare – with most households opting for Carrier, instead?

A single statement can be interpreted in more than one way. If we don’t employ mindful wisdom, we can allow our perception to shape a statement and store it as “fact” in our mental database. If the “fact” was compromised from the beginning, how much can we trust our database?

One Comment

  • I got into an argument the other day with a friend when we saw fog was rolling into the city. I said, oh, when there’s a fog means the weather will soon get warmer. My friend said, no, when you see fog means weather is getting colder. I brought up example why I believed what I said was right and my friend did the same thing. I stopped when I listened his reason and it seems to be right as well. I ended up did a search on how fog formed and turned out we both right since there are 4 kinds of fog due to how it formed. What I have learned is my database is right and wrong just like TRANE sale man. it all depends. Also, most of the time, I said things that I don’t really know or understand fully but I stand on my ground when others think differently or say that I’m wrong.

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